How women entrepreneurs can go from feeling overwhelmed about money
to manifesting the wealth you desire without hustling harder
How women entrepreneurs can
go from feeling overwhelmed
to manifesting the wealth
you desire without hustling
with Tasha Chen
A 5-day masterclass series proven to help you attract more ease and wealth into your life and business
I went from feeling hopeless and frustrated to playing and having fun - and manifested $5k!
Entrepreneurs, community leaders and high-achievers often have to hustle and grind to be successful. Especially if you’re a woman.
To the rest of the world you may look like a successful business owner.
You’re soooo close to hitting that 6 figure mark. Or maybe you’ve even hit it. A couple times.
But it’s come at a cost.
You work long hours.
Have sleepless nights.
Sacrifice precious time with loved ones.
Life and business aren’t fun anymore.
(And isn’t that why you started your own business? To enjoy your life and have more fun?)
Besides, you haven’t tapped into the next level of success and wealth you know is possible.
And not only that…
You’ve watched the Secret (a few dozen times). You’ve read all the basic Law of Attraction books and watched all the gurus on YouTube.
You follow the steps to manifest your dream life.
But it still isn’t working.
Well, my sweet friend, that’s all about to change.
During the 5 day Money Attraction Challenge you’ll see there is a better way.
Where you can make money without being exhausted and overwhelmed all day, every day.
Where making money can actually be easy… and (dare I say?) fun!
This is your invitation to join the Free...
5 Day Money Attraction Challenge
for High-Achieving Women Entrepreneurs
This advanced-level (and super fun!) 5 day Masterclass Series will help you smash through any blocks or limiting beliefs so you can finally unlock the success and wealth you know is possible
Join Renowned Business Coach & Money Manifesting Expert Tasha Chen
I can’t believe how much success I had doing Tasha’s 5 day challenge (and I’ve taken many courses and challenges to solve my money blocks). I finally found something that works!
Before the Challenge I felt lost. I struggled with depression and low self-esteem. Thanks to the Challenge I discovered a different way of thinking and being. My confidence went through the roof and my relationships improved. My whole life changed!
Unlike other beginner challenges and courses you’ve taken, the Money Attraction Challenge leverages advanced techniques. It’s proven to create results.
It’s because we curate the 5 days with the most effective and transformative teaching, coaching and activities. You’ll receive advanced training on Money Traumas and Deservingness that aren’t available in other programs.
Each day, you’ll be challenged to make one (fun) “money move” to help you take inspired action toward your goal.
And most importantly: no other programs infuse the fun, play and high energy you’ll find inside the Money Attraction Challenge. The community and the fun are essential to manifesting what you want!
In this game-changing live series you will discover how to attract more money, success, and ease into your life....
The Science of Manifesting More Money
Discover how to program your brain to see abundance in your life.
Discover the 16 Money Traumas
This teaching alone is going to transform your ability to receive more.
Reveal your Next Level of Money Freedom
Discover a process to find clarity on your deepest desires, and the permission to manifest them
Relive the Magic of your Desires Manifested
You’ll receive the steps for creating a visualization so you can manifest with speed
Receive your Millionaire Lifestyle
Discover the right way to take inspired action to continue to receive at every level of success and activate your millionaire lifestyle
Bonus tools:
Workbooks & Success Trackers Daily Challenges Live Coaching Fun Surprises!!!
See what’s possible for you during the 5 Day Money Attraction Challenge
Join the challenge
and become our
Next Success Story!
My life completely changed when I manifested 5k in 5 days!
I uncovered my limiting beliefs with money and manifested 100k a month!
I have been given tools beyond measure!
I manifested 10K!
Meet Your Money Manifesting Mentor
Tasha Chen
The #1 Manifestation & Business Mentor for Women Entrepreneurs Co-founder, Science of Getting Rich Academy
Tasha Chen is a business coach who works with high-achieving entrepreneurs to raise their profits.
Her proven Vision Alignment Method has helped 17,000+ people find ease and joy, enjoy quality time with their families, and do what they love with no fear or uncertainty about success.
With Tasha’s coaching and proprietary methods, her community has manifested well over $47.5 Million.
She is a highly sought-after author, international speaker, and mindset mastery expert who works with go-getters, seekers, and action takers.
My sweet friend…
- Your next 6 figures (with ease!)
- A luxury trip (to Bora Bora!)
- Beautiful friendships
- A new love
- More FUN!
Join the FREE Money Attraction Challenge Now
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