Money and Profit- Old

This is where high-achieving women unlock their next level of success and wealth

Tasha's work has been featured in :

Your struggle to receive the SUCCESS & WEALTH

you know is possible ends here

If you’re like the thousands of women entrepreneurs we’ve coached and mentored, you’re a high-achiever.

You’re on a mission to make the world a better place with your gifts and genius.

You’re ready to make a 6- or 7-figure leap in your business so you can create a new legacy for your family.

And while you appear to be very successful, you’ve had to work your ass off for every single win.

You probably feel like the poster girl for hustle and grind.

Long hours. Late nights.  Big debts. Crazy stress.

It’s exhausting. And soul-killing.

If this is what it takes to be successful in your business, you’re not sure you want to continue.

Heck, you’re not sure you can continue.

Besides, you started your business so you could
  • live a dream life
  • have time for your family
  • travel the country (or the globe)
  • and make a difference in the world!
So why is it so. dang. hard? Especially when you know it doesn’t have to be this way. As a student of the Law of Attraction, you know money should be easy, fun and consistent.You know the Universe is infinitely abundant and designed to help you manifest your dreams. Yet, nothing you’ve tried – the mantras, the meditations, the money burning – has worked out how you hoped.

And my friend, it’s not your fault.

Those beginner manifesting techniques probably worked for a while… but they’re no match for where you are today.

You haven’t received the next-level techniques needed to create the next-level success you desire.

To reach that next level of success, impact and profitability, any advanced manifesting program must include the 4 principles of the Vision Alignment Method.

The Vision Alignment Method is a proven and repeatable process that helps you:

  • Revise your past money trauma
  • Reveal your next level desires
  • Relive your goals to manifest in the present
  • Receive continually, at each new level of success

When you harness the power of the


you will receive more abundance in less time and with a lot less

Past Participants
dollar Manifested
Dreams Manifested

Just imagine,what would be possible for you if you could.

Here’s the good news!

With the right mentors, a proven process, and an amazing community you can absolutely create your dream life and business, travel the world, and enjoy luxury.

Because you’ll finally have the money in your bank account to match your financial vision.

You can unlock consistent cash flow and abundance with a proven process

You can learn the skills, strategies & tools you need to tap into your thriving life and career, travel the world, and enjoy luxury.

And you can have the actual money in your bank account that matches your financial vision.

Welcome To

A 120-day high-touch coaching program where entrepreneurial women achieve the spiritual, mental and energetic alignment you need to create a million dollar business and lifestyle

Find out if it’s the right program for you in a zero pressure call

In Money & Profit Mastery you’ll get the advanced tools to…

Achieve Abundance

Open the Flow to Receive More Money Regularly

Heal Your Relationship with Money

Gain Confidence in your Personal Finances

And experience remarkable transformations like this…

I just wanted to send you a message…our home is officially listed 🙂 We are off to Texas when the universe deems it right. All is really well. Business consistently generating 50-60K/ month and growing 🙂 and I am finally paying myself… This is a tribute to you ladies!! thank you for the empowerment and the gifts that you have provided!!!

Danielle Rodriguez

I have had so many breakthroughs this weekend. When we first started this level 3 I had decided to sell my brick and mortar after 33 years. I felt lost. I felt lost because I let what I DID define WHO I was! My video intro is I’m Dr Jackie, your brain, body balance expert.. Now I understand I am so much more. That led me to decide I can create multiple streams of income, different programs that help people, Income opportunities that don’t involve my heart and soul because I am separate from HOW I make money. I will always create the best quality with my clients best interest in mind but I won’t be so hesitant because I AM NOT my business. I am Jackie who is living HER very best life! I hope that makes sense. Thank you Tasha and Diane and everyone here. Sometimes clarity just comes. Keep seeking. Love you all!

Jackie Kilraine

“With only my Intention for $30k I received unexpectedly the full amount within the first 30 Days and the miracles just continued from there. Within the next year I grew my business and received over $100k. Each day I was given the tools and support from Tasha to keep me aligned. I have been tracking my abundance(and have never been happier with it) and especially love knowing to be grateful for what I spend as it too is a SIGN of my current wealth.”

Vicky Ibaugh

Meet Your


If you’re craving more ease and less hustle as you grow your business, you’re in the right place.

Hi! We’re Tasha and Diane, co-founders of the Science of Getting Rich Academy.

We’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs and professional women make huge leaps in their businesses, using the Vision Alignment Method. It’s a combo of the principles of the Law of Attraction plus good ol’ financial know-how and decision-making.

We’ve practiced these principles ourselves for the past 15 years and mentored over 20,000 entrepreneurs through our programs.

And we’ve been where you are…

We know how hard it is to execute and stay consistent with the mindset and limiting belief work. It’s why it’s our passion and commitment to work with you every single day to help you get the results you need and deserve.

Plus you’ll receive these advanced-level Bonuses to remove blocks and help you receive massive abundance (love, money, success)

Deservingness Masterclass

3 Hour Intensive identifying beliefs that continue to sabotage your success. Unlock the secrets to achieve your goals and put action into practice and become a manifesting master.

Value: $997

Healing Money Trauma Intensive

Overcome financial traumas that keep you from your abundant life. A deep dive into the 16 core money traumas and solutions to rocket your success.


Value: $997

Manifest $100k FAST Masterclass

Become a vibrational match to your desires in this 20 Minute High Vibe Masterclass you can watch on repeat to Manifest 10K, 100K, 1M


Value: $4,997

Daily Support Accountability Mentors

Here is where you receive  our master level coaches supporting you in aligning and staying on track to finally get the results you desire!


Value: $5,000


Our vetted list of referral partners to help you grow your business and abundance


Value: $10,000

Guided Money Meditation​

Overcome financial traumas that keep you from your abundant life. A deep dive into the 16 core money traumas and solutions to rocket your success.


Value: $297

Create your Best Life and Business Masterclass

In this 4-hour workshop you’ll get the Get expert guidance on what you should focus on and what you should not even worry about (most people have this backwards). And you’ll gain clarity on where you want to take your career or business and the steps to make it happen in an easy and relaxed way.


Value: $2,974

Sounds amazing! How do I join?

Schedule a no-pressure call with our team to see if the program is a good fit for you and your goals.

Ready to leap to your next level of success with ease, flow & fun?

Here’s how


Mastery Month 1

We begin with a 30-day intensive to maximize your manifesting. Each day you’ll receive a 15-minute lesson, tip or challenge to help you magnify your manifesting powers.

Mastery Month 2

We dive into the Vision Alignment Method, the proven path to next-level success. We cover the foundations of Visioning, Belief and Journaling to attract abundance.

Mastery Month 3

It's all about the money, honey! We cover all things wealth, money management and profitability. You’ll practice Thought Work and Gratitude to bust through any limitations.

Mastery Month 4

It's all about the money, honey! We cover all things wealth, money management and profitability. You’ll practice Thought Work and Gratitude to bust through any limitations.

It’s not just WHAT you’ll learn, it’s HOW you’ll learn

It’s not just WHAT you’ll learn,
it’s HOW you’ll learn

We’ve created the best process in the industry to allow you to experience the deepest transformation possible

It’s why we have a 95% completion rate and why our clients have generated over $47 million

Inside Money and Profit Mastery, you’ll enjoy:

  • How to create a new loving abundant money mindset
  • How to create money and profit intentions
  • How much you should be putting in your profit account each month
  • How to change money beliefs and spend money guilt free
  • How to create a romantic relationship with money And much, much more!
  • Guided Release Ceremony before we begin to let go of what no longer serves you, and set intentions for what you will create over the next 4 months
  • Weekly client-only newsletters with content designed to help you reach your goals
  • Bi-weekly, interactive live group calls, where you’ll get custom coaching with Tasha, Diane and the Mastery Mentors
  • Private Facebook Group Access Daily prompts and challenges to keep your momentum going and your vibe high and keep you accountable
  • A library of on-demand advanced trainings so you can maximize your ability to manifest on your own schedule
  • An amazing, high-vibe (and FUN!) community of go-getters and high-achieving women just like you, cheering you on the path to your next level
Start moving to the life of your dreams today by applying for Money and Profit Mastery now.

Because once you’re in…

You’ll get exact resources and hands-on help you need to start:

  • Leveling up your wealth
  • Buying back your free time
  • Living the life of your dreams… in just 120 days.
You absolutely deserve this and have everything it takes to get there.

"I created 1.1 Million Dollars!"

Hear from our community about

their results in the program

“I created 1.1 Million!”

“$100,000 EVERY month!!”

“My business grew 10x”

“Reached my financial goals that I had been trying to do for last 5 years.”

To summarize, inside

you get

  • 30 Day Manifesting Intensive Program (Value: $2497)
  • 90 Day Vision Alignment + Financial Prosperity Curriculum (Value: $4997)
  • 10 Live Group Coaching Calls with me (Value $8997)
  • On-demand library of advanced audio and video training (Value $1997)
  • Pre-program Release Ceremony ($597)
  • VIP Facebook Support Group(Priceless)
  • Guest expert masterclasses ($1997)
  • Bonus 1: Deservingness Masterclass ($997)
  • Bonus 2: Money Trauma Masterclass ($997)
  • Bonus 3: Manifest 100k FAST ($4997)
  • Bonus 4: Daily Support Accountability Mentors ($5000)
  • Bonus 5: Guided Money Meditation ($297)
  • Bonus 6: 7-Figure business suite ($10,000)
  • Bonus 7 :Create your Best Life and Business Masterclass ($2,974)

Total Value: $46,344

But because we want these tools and techniques to be accessible to as many people as possible, the investment is a fraction of the total value.

We are welcoming only 50 women into this round of

Are you ready to join us?

Schedule your complimentary Money Breakthrough call to discuss any questions
and see if the program is right for you. Program Begins September 21st

Will you be the newest member of our Money Family?

Who is the 120-day Money and Profit Mastery Program for (and not for)? and other FAQs

This program is designed for entrepreneurial, high-achieving women. You’re growth-minded and have a love of learning.

You’re tired of working so hard and you know there’s got to be a better, easier way to reach your next level of success. You’re craving a high-vibe and diverse community of women who are pursuing excellence and impact.

Most women in the program are mid-30s to 60s who have big goals to increase their impact and income.

Seats are limited to 50 to provide the highest level of done-with-you support.

Money and Profit Mastery is NOT for:

People unwilling to take action toward a goal. Those who prefer to complain or blame others.

Anyone unwilling to invest in themselves and do the work to create transformation.

Once you have enrolled, we will confirm the program start date. This is a 120-day journey we all take together. 

You will have 1 week to prepare with a guided Release Ceremony to let go of what no longer serves you and set Intentions for what you will create and manifest in your finances and your life over the next 4 months. 

Each day you will get exact instructions with reading and fun activities that keep you in high manifesting energy as I guide you step-by-step through your transformation. You’ll need about 15 minutes (or more if you like) to play with us every day – think of this as YOU Time!

After the first 30 days, we begin the advanced manifesting methods and financial prosperity training. Bi-weekly Group coaching calls will help you reach your next level. Replays and additional training and bonus content are available inside a private group area to watch on your own schedule.

You can join the private Facebook community to connect with me and other Manifestors too…. I promise this will be your new Happy Place

You’ll have access to the content for year, giving you plenty of time to complete if you need a few extra days. If you miss a day, don’t sweat it! You can pick up where you left off and catch up fast.

Imagine how excited you will be during the Celebration Call at the end when you look at all the things you manifested from this list and the new person you have become.

It wouldn’t be in integrity and aligned for us to allow just anyone into the program. We only want people who will get a result from this work. 

If the program isn’t right for you, we’ll be honest and tell you.

We’re also very intentional about creating a sacred space and a magical community. We also want to make sure that the women who join Money and Profit Mastery will contribute to the positive vibe and energy in the group.

Ready to book your call? Click this link.

Yes! While our focus is on supporting women entrepreneurs, this journey is about transforming your relationship with Money, becoming an even MORE awesome version of you, and dreaming bigger dreams than you ever have before. This is for high-achieving women who want to remove whatever may be stopping you from receiving true abundance and reaching your next level of success.

You probably don’t use Facebook for personal reasons— we totally understand! We have found that the Private community we create on Facebook for the 120 day journey allows everyone to play along and learn so much from each other.

It truly becomes a Happy Place everyone looks forward to meeting up, being supported and cheering each other on. The lessons will be delivered to a private Facebook group. Each lesson is delivered as an audio recording from me, so you’ll have me guiding you every step of the way. I also supplement the core lessons with inspirational posts, testimonials, and personal shares many days.

The Fun happens on Facebook —- you’ll love it! And we can show you how to set up an account just for participating so no one will have to know you are on Facebook!


We offer pay-in-full and 6-pay options.

This is a high-touch advanced manifesting and financial prosperity coaching program. In over 8 years of offering this program we have maintained a 90-98 % completion rate. Our clients have manifested over $50,000,000.

Why? We make it FUN, and we keep you engaged in the journey. People LOVE showing up, having fun, literally watching themselves change and experience their desires manifesting (plus it’s so fun and inspiring to watch it happen for others too)! 

We’ve been where you are. We know how hard it is to execute and stay consistent with the mindset and limiting belief work. It’s why it’s our passion and commitment to work with you every single day to help you get the results you need and deserve.

We care. We want you to share your personal intentions with us so that as your guides, we have everything we can to help you manifest your dreams! 

This is NOT a DIY program. This is a high-touch done WITH you coaching program. You’ll be loved, supported, and cheered on as we journey together from day 1 until the end.

Most importantly, this is your community and your people. This is your sacred space to dream because anything is possible. You’ll inspire others and get inspired because of the incredible network committed to the same goals and practices.

Having a Mentor, a community, and a scientific and proven system to follow just for your Money Mindset is the best investment in yourself you will ever make. The kind of focused attention of this program to achieving your financial dreams will help you see an even bigger ROI from your other investments and coaching.

Brilliant! We’d love to help you with ANY questions you have.

Click this link to schedule a call to ask all of your questions.

Are you ready to create your Million Dollar Business and luxury lifestyle?

Are you ready to create your Million
Dollar Business and luxury


The level of support you receive in Money and Profit Mastery creates accountability and builds your own desire to keep manifesting your dreams. 

The energy of the group and the sacred space we create is magnetic and magical. 

The rising tide and energy of everyone supports each other’s success and keeps people engaged for the entire process.

This is the most comprehensive and effective manifesting and financial prosperity coaching program, with proven, repeated results.

Don’t let another year go by with the struggle, loneliness and hustle of entrepreneurship… The ease and money freedom you crave is 100% possible.  This is your time.

“My life has been transformed forever.”

“Wrote myself a check for $100k!”

“Manifested 10k a month EASILY”

“The shift in my abundance and business has increased exponentially!”



Tasha Chen is a wealth and success coach for high-achieving women executives and entrepreneurs who want to elevate wealth and abundance in every area of life.

Register for the Money Manifesting Party

Register for the Money Manifesting Party

Register for the Money Manifesting Party